Jun 3, 2010

Want to remember long, forget something

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Childhood memories probably best stored in photo albums, not in the brain. Remembering old memories easily make you forget an important appointment or what to buy in today.

A new study last month found that too many long-term memories that the new filter information and process short-term memories become more difficult. "In the modern world, we are often attacked by tons of new information that we have to filter out regularly, if not do so, we will choke, Gaël Malleret members in research Medical Center of Columbia University said. 

The new study found those with good memories may have fewer new neurons neural development in the hippocampus - the brain area related to the formation of memories. This helps them forget old information necessary to help them more quickly and easily receive information more quickly. 

Previously researchers believed that the development of new neurons in the hippocampus nerve favor memories. But the new study, and colleagues Malleret inhibits the development of these brain regions and found short term memory is improved better. 

"We are surprised to find inhibit the development of neurons in the hippocampus nerve leads to improved short term memory, which shows that too much memory is not really a good thing, and forget the need for a brain and normal behavior, "Malleret said.

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