May 30, 2010

Customs of Vietnam

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Vietnamese  people hello everyone,..!

In the world, every country is a separate customs. What do you know about Vietnamese culture? Now, let's find out !

Vietnamese culture is very diverse and rich. Firstly, Vietnamese people generally shake hands when greeting and parting. They can use both hands to show respect. Younger people must also bow slightly to elderly people. Women needn't shake hands with others. They are more likely to bow the head slightly than to shake hands. Secondly, the Vietnamese have a strong sense of hospitality and feel embarrassed if they can't show their guests full respect by preparing for their arrival. Therefore, you shouldn't visit a home without having been invited. You needn't always bring gifts but flowers, fruit or tea are appreciated. Hosts also appreciate small gifts for their children or elderly parents

Besides, rice is the staple (manin) food of Vietnam. Fermented fish sauce called "nuoc mam" is the main seasoning used to flavor dishes; special foods are also dipped in it. Vietnamese people use spoons for soup, and chopsticks for other dishes. At the table, you can serve food to other people if you want. However, it's usual for people to help themselves from dishes in the center of the table and place the food in their rice bowl; they always hold their rice bowl in their hands while eating from it. Last but not least, traditionally, marriages were arranged by parents, but now people choose their own partner. On average, man can marry at age 25 and women around age 23. Family members maintain strong ties and provide one another with assistance and support as needed. In rural areas it's normal for the extended family (grandparents, aunts, uncles, mother, father, children) to share the same home, while in urban areas it has become more common for only the nuclear family (mother, father, chilren) to live together.
Now, how are you feeling? Let's go and feel this ! 


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